Why Retail Landlords Lose Tons Of Money To Faulty Expense Calculations

Why Retail Landlords Lose Tons Of Money To Faulty Expense Calculations

CAM recs article, originally appeared on Forbes.com by Mike Harris Retail real estate has an underappreciated problem: Year after year, incorrect or incomplete tenant expense reconciliations cost landlords an enormous amount of money. Erroneous common area maintenance and other reconciliations (generally referred to by the catchall term “CAM recs”) can account for hundreds of thousands…

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Case Study: Streamlining CAM Reconciliation

Case Study: Streamlining CAM Reconciliation

Process for CAM reconciliation puts an end to annual ‘all nighters’ once endured by a Retail Landlord’s property management and accounting teams. Download as PDF Incorrectly or never-completed Common Area Maintenance (CAM) and other reconciliations can cost retail landlords tens of thousands of dollars over the life of a single tenant’s lease. In extreme cases, that figure…

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What is a Lease Abstract? (in Commercial Real Estate)

What is a Lease Abstract? (in Commercial Real Estate)

A lease abstract provides a concise analysis of lease documents in a format that is easily understood. It also gives structure to ensure any material items will be found and information in the form can be quickly referenced in the lease for further detail. The lease abstract should be created in a format that is…

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